Q. Can I reserve Tickets online / In advance?
A. 5th Avenue Cinema is a first come first serve style theatre. Our theatre does fit 100 guests so we are confident that there will be a seat for you. Also, we make an effort to publish our exact screening schedule far in advance so everyone knows what films they want to see and when to get there. Our best advice, arrive early, get some snacks, and hangout with us :) We’re fun.
Q. Can I reserve private personal screenings?
A. If you are a PSU student or affiliated group, yes! Visit our RENTALS page for more info on booking!
Q. Your pricing is complex, can you explain?
A. Are you a PSU student, faculty, or alumn who has PSU identification? Great! Your screening is free. Are you anyone else? Also great! Tickets are $7 dollars per person for all screenings. We offer reduced admission of $6 for students from other schools & seniors.
Q. Do you ever show new films?
A. As a rule we do not show new films. We are an exclusively rerun theater that shows primarily independent, foreign, and old films. Our goal is to show films that are usually not shown in a movie theater setting. There are many great local theatres that do show new and independent films. The Hollywood Theatre, Cinema 21, Cinemagic, and Laurelhurst Theatre are some of our favorites.
Q. Do you ever show student films?
A. Student films do not typically appear in our regular programming, but we do make an effort to exhibit student films whenever it is possible. We have been known to host small student film festivals and shows, so keep your eyes out for those in the future. All of us are students and many of us are film/art students, so we appreciate the value of a quality exhibition space.