Week 10: Dec 1-3
Dir. Agnès Varda (2000); France; 82 min
Programmed by: Naomi Nguyen
Along the French roads she travels, Agnès meets with many gleaners. These people, men or women, are gatherers, recyclers, genuine treasure hunters. Out of necessity, chance or choice, the gleaners deal with what others have discarded. Their world is an astonishing one that has nothing to do with that of the ancient gleaners: these peasant women who gathered the wheat left behind after the harvest. Agnès is a gleaner too, and her documentary film is a subjective one. There is no age for curiosity. Making films is also a sort of gleaning.
Friday, Dec 1 at 6:00 PM & 8:30 PM
Saturday, Dec 2 at 6:00 PM & 8:30 PM
Sunday, Dec 3 at 3:00 PM