Dog Star Man (1964)
Week 10: Jun 9-11
Dog Star Man on 16mm
Dir. Stan Brakhage (1964); U.S., 78 min
Programmed by: Cadie Godula
Completed between 1961 and 1964 and considered to be a ‘cosmological epic’, Dog Star Man is a fusion of shot 16mm footage of Brakhage and his dog ascending a snowy mountain, and handmade alterations to the films surface (painting, scratching, etc.) presented in five parts. The film is a distillation of Brakhage’s beliefs that the images in his films present themselves in the viewers subconscious, rather than images that are catered to the rational mind. Dog Star Man is a concentrated tincture of experimental cinema that is best viewed with an open mind.
The film will be following a program of short handmade 16mm films made by the PSU community!
Friday, June 9 at 6:00 PM
Saturday, June 10 at 6:00 PM
Sunday, June 11 at 3:00 PM